czwartek, 1 listopada 2012

meet my Colour Mate

meet my Colour Mate


 My recent craze is changing my hair colour. First step was bleeching my hair into blonde/mocha baleyage than bleeching them to bright blonde and last week I became ginger fox :) I love changes - this is funny to see how I change with different colour.

|Unfortunately my hair becamedry and damaged :( I was looking for any solution without any success. Than I met Aussie and amazing collection Colour Mate acurete to dyed hair. That was like a perfect rescue kit - hair shampoo, conditioner and mask. I was using Aussie products for couple weeks now. My hair are soft and delicate, but not freezy. Their structure is stronger and flexible. And colour is vibrant. I currently in love with my new Colour Mate :) and I won't change it!


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